
Daily Average

Daily Average 
Clinical Material Attendance
OPD Attendance 1725
Casualty Attendance 48
  Adm Dis
Number of Admissions/ Discharge 121 120
Bed Occupancy (%) 78.00
No. of Major Surgeries 31
No. of Minor Surgeries 43
No. of Normal deliveries 02
No. of Caesarian Section 05
Radiological Investigations  OP IP
No. of Routine X-ray 256 40
No. of USG/day 145 30
Special Investigations  08 04
No.of ECG 188 12
CT. SCAN 23 04
MRI 15 3
Laboratory Investigations  OP IP
No. of Biochemistry tests 1318 266
No. of Hamatology  856 204
No. of Histopathology 20 06
No. of Cytopathology 14 04
Others (Clinical Pathology) 306 56
MICRO- Investigations  OP IP